05.10.2007 to 23.11.2007
SUBOTRON social meeting : play with the GameJew !

The GameJew, the Subotron \"Artist in Residence\" in October and November 2007, explores videogame culture in a very unique way. When Jonathan Mann aka The GameJew slips into his red overalls and puts on his Mario hat, he talks with himself and the world about why he loves
videogames so much. He examines his own nostalgia, and attempts to recreate the feeling of being a little kid, playing the NES for the first time.
He is also interested in the bigger videogame picture: What are the possibilities for videogames as an artistic medium? How can videogames be used for positive social change? What are the ways in which games unite the world across cultures? Through it all he carries his trusty pink guitar: The GameJew writes tons of brillant impromptu-songs about videogames, plays them live and also reviews games while singing about them.
He continues this practice at the Museumsquartier with weekly performances and presentations at the Subotron Shop. The audience might become part of his worldfamous videoblog gamejew.com.
Game on !