14.12.2005 to 14.12.2005
An Evening of Love: McLuhan's Technology Symphony Disorientation Connection

An Evening of Love: McLuhan's Technology Symphony Disorientation Connection
Wednesday October 14th, 8 PM
Wiener Stadtwerke Kunstler Studios/Artist Residents
"Anthropology is the history of man embracing woman".
"We are the television screen…We wear all mankind as our skin".
"Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forward".
"The medium is the message".
"To the blind all things are sudden".
Come join us for a mosaic performance of the philosopher, poet and prophet, Marshall McLuhan.
Love and ice cream will be served up,
as well as a dynamic interface between
virtual and real, visual and aural, realist and fantastic
all in the comfort of one little studio.
This is one big experiment
attempted by one little mind.