06.10.2018 to 06.10.2018
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
Nature unveiled or Stories about plants and workers

Nature unveiled or stories about plants and workers
Lecture performance by Vladimir Bjeličić
This ongoing artistic/curatorial hybrid project is based on exploration of the issues of (cultural/cultivating) labor and my intimate fascination with flora (the plants that I curate and care about). The primary focus of the project is to question the position of the workers in a relation to the plants which surround them and to examine what can arise from this unusual interaction, perhaps only the possibility of creating the utopia, tranquility, and contemplation or building different ideological and social models that relates to the concepts of non-work and post-work imaginaries which at the same time question the capitalist sins such as laziness and leisure.
As a result two month residency at Q21, a 45 minutes-long lecture performance will take place in two sessions invite only at the Belvedere Botanical Garden on 6 October from 13 – 15 h.The project is supported and made possible by Botanischer Garten der Universität Wien, Bundesministerium für Europa, Integration und Äußeres and Q21 Artist in residence program at the Museums Quartier Vienna.
Special thanks to: Karin Cervenka, Elisabeth Hajek, David Bröderbauer, David Preshler, Ivan Petrović, Frizzi Lange, Dino Rekanović, Kati Bruder, and Jelena Kaluđerović as well as all the other people who kindly provided me with valuable information.