Dorian Batycka
area: Curator, art critic
Key Facts
Curator, art criticresidence
Ontariorecommending institution
frei_raum Q21time period
October 2021 - October 2021Dorian Batycka is an art critic and curator and based between Dubai, Europe and Canada. He is co-founder of SPSK (, a platform dedicated to supporting radical and socially engaged art projects via the blockchain. In 2016, he initiated Kineticoin, an ERC-20 token designed to support art labour. He has exhibited or curated in various capacities including at the Venice Biennale and the Ujazdowski Center for Contemporary Art in Warsaw, and is a regular contributor to the Art Newspaper, artnet, Hyperallergic and others. He can be found on Twitter and Instagram @temp_projects
Extreme Weather Events Are Now More Common Than Ever - What Does This Mean for Precious Cultural Heritage?
What do Easter Island, Venice’s laguna, the Tanzanian port of Kilwa Kisiwani and the forests of British Columbia, Greece and Turkey all have in common? They all bear the statues, the heritage, the architecture and the cultural history that testify to humanity’s rich past, and all are under threat due to severe weather events. Today, thousands of man-made cultural sites face increasingly dire weather events, rising sea-levels, and/or repeated episodes of heat and wildfire. Some cultural sites may even disappear before they’re discovered.
Turkey wildfires: despair and questions as forest burns (Al Jazeera):
Turkey and Fire management at a crossroads of history and nature:
Heat Wave Spread Wildfire That “Erased” Canadian Town:
Scientific research just published also said the entirety of Mediterranean coastal towns mug get wiped out, a must read.
What are heritage managers and governments are doing about it? Dorian Batycka plans on researching The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), an organization that uses very innovative techniques and AI to predict potential damage to cultural sites, looking forensically at what cultural sites may be at risk in the climate of tomorrow