Irma Markulin
area: Visual Art, Installation
Key Facts
Croatia, Germanyarea
Visual Art, Installationresidence
Berlinrecommending institution
BMEIAtime period
August 2016 - August 2016*1982 in Banja Luka, Yugoslavia. Lives and works in Berlin, Germany.
2010 Masterclass graduation at University of Arts Berlin - Weißensee (KHB), class prof. Antje Majewski
2009 Diploma in fine arts at University of Arts Berlin - Weißensee (KHB), class prof. Antje Majewski
2007 Visiting student / photography and media dep. at University of Arts Berlin (UdK), class of K. Sieverding
2007 - 06 Visiting student / painting dep. at University of Arts Berlin (UdK), class of A. Reyle; Berlin
2006 Diploma in painting, Academy of fine arts; Zagreb, Croatia
2001 - 2006 Academy of fine arts, painting department; Zagreb, Croatia
2004 - 05 Scholarship student at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design; Prague, Czech Republic
1996 - 2001 High school for applied Art and Design; Zagreb, Croatia
Artist-in-Residenz-Program, Q21, Vienna, Austria
A room that...Residencies Program and Exhibition Founding - Baumwollspinnerei, Halle 14; Leipzig, Germany
Goldrausch art IT Grant, independent professional training program for emerging female artists; Berlin, Germany
ZVONO (finale cut) young visual artist award - SCCA, Sarajevo; BiH
Ministery for Family, Children, Youth, Culture and Sport, federal state Nordrhein-Westfalen (international project grant Heimatspuren)
Elsa - Neumann grant of the federal state of Berlin for emerging artists (NaFöG)
Grant of support program for further education from the Croatian ministry for Culture, Arts and Sports
Award of the Croatian chamber of commerce 2004/05
Ceepus Scholarship at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design; Prague, Czech Republic
Travel Scholarship for the Photo Biennale in Arles from the Institute Francais in Zagreb, Croatia
soloshow - Galerie Krupic-Kersting, Köln (S)
Heimat-Identifikation im Wandel-Künstlerverein Walkmühle, 65195 Wiesbaden (G)
Die Lichtenberg Norm - Galerie Zwitschermaschine, Berlin (G)
artfair The 0thers in Torino with Gallery Krupic-Kersting (G)
Vom Vergehen - Reflektionen über die Zeitlichkeit, Gallery Schwartzschen Villa, Berlin (G)
ZVONO Prize 2014 Galerie Duplex100m2 and Sarajevo Center for Contemporary Art (G)
Lost and Stay - a Room that...Halle 14 / Entrance C, Leipzig (S)
Machtblende - Gallery Krupic-Kersting, an der Schanz 1a, Cologne (S)
Heimatspurenexhibition with D.Cajlan-Wissel, G.Wissel, Moltkerei Werkstatt, Cologne
Goldrausch 2014 - Projektraum at Flutgraben, Berlin (G)
StipVisite-Kunsthalle at Hamburger Square, Berlin (selected NaFöG)
Heimatspurenexhibition with D.Cajlan-Wissel, G.Wissel, Gallery 12 HUB, Belgrad
Gib Laut, Kreuzberg Pavilon / Gartenstudio, Berlin (G)
Tag des offenen ateliers - Berlin Weißensee (S)
Curart Popup Berlin - Kunsthaus Bethanien, Berlin (G)
Keep me posted – Morgenstern Foundation for artists e.V. Berlin (G)
…und da gehen einem plötzlich die Augen auf exhibition with E. Graalfs – Gallery M, Marzahn, Berlin
Licht, Linie, Farbe, Kunst am Spreeknie – Schöneweide, Berlin (G)
Microstories: Context of the contemporary womens artistic practice after the year 2000 – Museum for contemporary art, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina (G)
Heimatspurenexhibition with M. Okabayashi – Projectspace F/K Alte Feuerwache, Berlin
Künstler Salon Murid Bosh – Kunsthalle M3, Berlin (G)
Werttransport – VBM 20.10, Berlin (G)
8th Berlin Art Fair – Uferhallen Wedding, Berlin (G)
Open Studio Petersburger Platz, Berlin (S)
Eva und Adam, Adam und Eva – parochial administration of central Berlin, Berlin (S)
Hoch/her – Television Tower Berlin and Gallery Havel-Land-Art, Töplitz (G)
Test master class exhibition – Uferhallen Wedding, Berlin (G)
Von Helden und Narrenexhibition with B. Duhm – Freispiel Brandshof, Hamburg
Eberhard - Dietzsch Artprize 2010–Geraer Bank eG, Gera (selected)
Mal was Deutsches. Edition 14 Deutschland - HangART 7 and basis Wien, Salzburg (selected)
1,2,3 diplom exhibition – Kunsthaus Bethanien, Berlin (G)
KörperBau - Gallery ACUD, Berlin (S)
School Classes – Gallery SC, Zagreb (S)
Ex Voto - Heimlichkeit und Offenbarung – Gallery R31 Berlin (G)
Božić 2007 – Gallery Vladimir Filakovac, Zagreb (G)
Picknick am Wegesrand – Church Dannenwalde, Brandenburg (G)
INTER (aktiv) Dislocirana cur. A. Kulunčić / I. Franke – Gallery SC, Zagreb (G)
Film Igrane, Test 6 Student Film Festival – Multimedia Centar SC, Zagreb (G)
Possessive, Test Festival – Gallery SC, Zagreb (G)
Blow up – Galurija, Award of the Croatian chamber of Commerce, Zagreb ( selected)
Collection Dieter Mateschitz / Red Bull, Salzburg; Austria
Museum for contemporary Art, Banja Luka; Bosnia and Herzegovina
Kunsthaus Artes, Hannover; Germany
Heimat - Identifikation im Wandel
publisher: Künstlerverein Walkühle, ISBN 978-3-946634-15-7, Wiesbaden; 2016
Kunst des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts
Issue 42 /Sommer 2016, publisher ARTES Kunsthandelsgesellschaft mbH, Hannover; 2016
Vom Vergehen - Reflexionen über die Zeitlichkeit
publisher Bezirksamt Steglitz-Zelendorf von Berlin, Amt für Weiterbildung und Kultur, Fachbereich Kultur, Berlin; 2015
Sommerkatalog 2015 Issue 40/Sommer 2015 /1, publisher ARTES Kunsthandelsgesellschaft mbH, Hannover; 2015
Helium - Goldrausch 2014
publisher Goldrausch Künstlerinnenprojekt, Frauennetzwerk
Print Medialis Offsetdruck GmbH, Berlin 2014
Kunst des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts
Issue 37/2014/1, publisher ARTES Kunsthandelsgesellschaft mbH, Hannover; 2014
Microstories-Contemporary Female Art and Its Post-2000 Contexts
publisher Dr. Vujković, S und Dr. Pejić, B. publishing house: Muzej savremene umjetnosti Republike Srpske, Banja Luka; 2013
Iz / van konteksta - Ogledi i kritike iz umjetnosti, arhitekture i mode
publisher Dr.Hošić, I. publishing house: Connectum, Sarajevo; 2013
Mal was Deutsches
publisher Reddeker und L., Weissacher, D. publishing house: basis wien - Kunst, Information und Archiv , Vienna; 2009
Eberhard Dietzsch Kunstpreis für Malerei 2010,
publisher/publishing house: Geraer Bank eG., Gera; 2010