Fabiana Faleiros
area: Performance, Theory
Key Facts
Performance, Theoryresidence
São Paulorecommending institution
frei_raum Q21 exhibition spacetime period
September 2016 - September 2016Fabiana Faleiros was born in 1980 in Pelotas, Brazil. She is an artist and writer and lives between São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. As ‘Lady Incentivo’, recorded her album ‘Lady Incentivo: New ways to make love and to make CDs’ at Mobile Radio BSP, during the 30th Bienal de São Paulo (2012). Her research focuses on the voice as gender performativity through music, performance and text. Recent group exhibitions include 'Portate Bien', Fabrica de Arte Cubano, Havana; 'Kuir Bogotá Festival', El Parche, Bogotá; 'Alles Ruhig,alles vorteilhaft', Hellerau, Dresden; 'Arte Pará', Casa das Onze Janelas, Belém do Pará; ‘Canções de Amor’, Tomie Ohtake, São Paulo; “Brazil: Art and Music’, Zacheta National Gallery, Warsaw; solo exhibitions include 'Mastur Bar', Solo Shows, São Paulo; ‘Museu da Polícia Militar’, Joaquim Nabuco, Recife; ‘Festa Própria’, JACA, Belo Horizonte. She has published the book 'O pulso que cai e as tecnologias do toque' (The Wrist that Drops and the Technologies of Touch), Ikrek editions, in 2016.