Rachelle Beaudoin
area: Visual Art
Key Facts
Visual Artresidence
Peterborough, New Hampshirerecommending institution
Fulbright Commissiontime period
May 2014 - June 2014Rachelle Beaudoin is an artist who uses video, wearables, and performance to explore feminine iconography and identity within popular culture. She attended the College of the Holy Cross and holds a Master’s degree in Digital+Media from Rhode Island School of Design. She has exhibited at Intimacy: Across Digital and Visceral Performance Goldsmiths London UK, the University of Lapland in Rovaniemi Finland, Low Lives 3 and Itinerant Festival of International Performance Art, Queens NY. She was a Spring 2013 Artist-in-Residence at Anderson Ranch in Snowmass CO. She will be a Fulbright artist-in-residence at quartier21 in Vienna, Austria in 2014.
<link http: www.rachellebeaudoin.com cv _blank external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>CV
I will work with Combinat, a fashion design group and Miss Baltazar’s Laboratory, a feminist technology collaborative, to create a new wearable technology piece called Positive Affirmation Underwear. The project lies at the intersection of art, technology, fashion, and feminism. In this piece, an altered bra and underwear will play affirmations when put on the body. With speakers and switches sewn into the garment, the bra will play the affirmation when the clasps are closed, completing the circuit. The wearer will hear her voice saying things like: “I am intelligent.” “I am strong.” “I am capable.” In contrast to the sexualized messaging printed on many pairs of underwear, positive affirmations work to build confidence and comfort with one’s own body.