Simona Koch
area: Media Art
Key Facts
Media Artresidence
Berlinrecommending institution
paraflowstime period
August 2013 - September 2013Simona Koch * 1974
1992 - 98 Study Design and Illustration, Fachhochschule Nuremberg, Germany
1994 Guestsemester, Faculdad de bellas Artes, Sevilla, Spain
2001 - 07 Study free Arts, Class Prof. Ottmar Hörl, Masterclass pupil, Academy of Fine Arts, Nuremberg, Germany
2012 Bavarian Art Promotion Prize, Freistaat Bayern
2012 Debut stipend 12, Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Nürnberg
2011 Kunstpreis der Wilhelm und Christine Hirschmann Stiftung
2009 Tavel grant USA, Bayrisches Staatsministerium
2007 Kulturpreis Bayern der e.on Bayern AG
2006 Scholarship, Summeracademy Salzburg, Austria, Class VALIE EXPORT
2003 Scholarship DAAD, Russian Federation
2012 Publication “Organisms”, Verlag für Moderne Kunst, Nürnberg
2009 ORGANISM 4/The Humongous Fungus, 2009: <link http:>
2007 resp.project – netart project with meetings, 2007: <link http:>
The bodies of all living creatures consist of an inconceivably large number of individual elements. Growth is the multiplying or enlargement of these elements and consequently of the body itself. It is a process constantly taking place everywhere, and is ultimately responsible for the size and complexity of our own bodies. Growth is regulated by an internal programme whose functioning is altered, interrupted or ended when food is stopped, the ageing process or outside influence puts it an end. On the other hand all living beings are part of a larger evolutionary process which continuously brings change and development. Similar chain reactions also appear in other fields like culture and technique.
The installation is a reference on these omnipresent and life inherent processes – on multiple organic shaped objects one can observe these mechanisms of becoming and decay.