Paolo Cirio
area: Media Art
Key Facts
Media Artresidence
Turinrecommending institution
January 2014 - January 2014Paolo Cirio Conceptual Media Artist, Italian, 1979.
Paolo Cirio is an innovative conceptual artist working with various media and domains. He works with the idea of shaping flows of social, political and economic structures, and in doing so explores contemporary systems of control, knowledge and information. Cirio has exhibited in international museums and institutions and has won numerous prestigious art awards. He regularly gives public lectures and workshops at leading arts festivals and universities worldwide.
Art portfolio website:
<link http:>
Professional Art Practice
In 2014, Cirio will continue to create new economic and political structures. In doing so, he’s defining an art form that deals with the material complexity of the contemporary. He uses financialization as material in the artworks (W)orld Currency Equation and Art Commodity, adopting an approach that is both constructive and provocative.
The ongoing project Direct Global Governance explores the idea of artistic creativity as it’s applied to social and political structures, giving new shape to the idea of utopia. While, in a new secret project, a business model is reversed and pushed over the limits once again.
In 2013, Cirio investigated offshore financial systems with the project Loophole for All. He made public the list of all the companies registered in the Cayman Islands for the first time and exposed them through counterfeiting their Certificate of Incorporation, which he published on the website <link http: _blank external-link-new-window externen link in neuem> Cirio invited international participation in the project through selling the identities of anonymous Cayman companies, a provocation that elicited reactions from Cayman authorities, local and international businesses, accounting firms and global banks.
After a few weeks of selling this conceptual works in the form of limited editions of firms’ identities, PayPal froze the profits. The company claimed the money was garnered for an illegal activity, while international press reported on the performance. Loophole for All has been exhibited in museums such as ZKM in Karlsruhe, Architectural Association in London and CCC Strozzina in Florence.
Cirio started to work on critical finance in 2010, resulting in an artwork centered around counterfeited VISA credit cards and a visionary monetary model called Gift Finance. Thousands of the illicit credit cards have been distributed worldwide by mail and public actions. Cirio has presented his theories on critical finance and Gift Finance through numerous lectures. In 2012 he was invited to curate a panel about alternative economic models for Creative Destruction, an exhibition organized by the Whitney Museum Independent Study Program that addressed the economic recession and the related Occupy Wall Street protests.
He continued to curate panel discussions in 2013 with the series Performing Change. Organized at Eyebeam, the series was framed around an expanded notion of media performance art and included contributions by fourteen speakers, among them historical artists, thinkers and curators.
In 2012, Cirio addressed a cultural shift in the perception of privacy and ownership of both public and personal information with the projects Street Ghosts and Persecuting US. Street Ghosts recontextualized photos of individuals found on Google Street View through interventions the in public spaces of several global cities. The project generated worldwide attention from mainstream media, as well as specialist magazines devoted to architecture, design, art and photography. With Persecuting US., Cirio profiled the political affiliations of over one million Americans who used Twitter during the 2012 Presidential Elections. It’s with the project Face to Facebook, in 2011, that he initiated his research into Internet privacy by misappropriating the data of over one million profiles of Facebook users worldwide and publishing 250,000 of them on a mock dating website sorted by their facial expressions. The project generated wide media attention and personal reactions, as well as a number of legal threats. Ultimately, he defines Social Sculptural Performances as involving random people in his works without their consent, a new art practice enabled by the introduction of pervasive unregulated technologies.
Paolo Cirio completed his renowned Hacking Monopolism Trilogy in 2011, created in conjunction with Alessandro Ludovico and partially with Ubermorgen. The trilogy is composed by Face to Facebook, Amazon Noir (2006) and Google Will Eat Itself (2005). In these three artworks, Cirio exploited the technical and economic vulnerabilities of major Internet companies at the time of their expansion. The three artworks artistically reconfigured the way Internet giants concentrate, misappropriate and monetize large quantities of public information and user interactions. These artworks have received several prizes and have been exhibited in major exhibitions around the world. In 2011, Face to Facebook won Prix Ars Electronica’s “Award of Distinction of Interactive Art” in Linz and in 2008 Amazon Noir won the second prize at the Transmediale festival in Berlin and first prize at Stuttgart Film festival. In 2011, the trilogy and Face to Facebook project were covered by over 1000 media outlets around the world including CNN, Apple daily HK, Fox News, Tagesschau, Spiegel, USA Today, The Independent, The New Age, and many other global mainstream media sources.
Cirio also works with experimental storytelling with political aims, in which actors and audiences combine to present real and fictional stories using several media and stages. This led to his theorization of a new genre of transmedia called Recombinant Fiction, resulting in two projects: The Big Plot (2009) and Drowning NYC (2010). He has presented Recombinant Fiction and its related projects at the Courtauld Institute in London, Cornerhouse in Manchester, National Museum of Contemporary Art Athens, ISEA 2011, Rotterdam Film Festival, among many other media art events. Cirio developed an in depth workshop program for Tactical Transmedia Fiction that he leads internationally. In 2004, Cirio was an organizer and fundraiser for a series of street art exhibitions called Illegal Art Show. During these unauthorized exhibitions, several artists converged to freely build and perform their works in a public urban environment. This kind of art happening has been set up in London, Milan and Turin. Hundreds of artists were involved and several media outlets covered the events.
As an activist against NATO-militarism, in 2001 he was the founder and editor of a major international web portal about global campaigns against the expansion of NATO. He organized global participatory cyber attacks (participatory DoS) to protest against the expansion of NATO and militarism in the aftermath of 9/11. In 2002, he was investigated by the Department of Defense of Canada and U.S. through Verisign’s intelligence following the global campaign Anti-NATO Day, an event that was covered by international media outlets in Japan and Belarus and was studied by The Eisenhower Institute in the U.S. inside the publication Space Security 2003.
Paolo has been part of the Italian net-art collective [epidemiC] and he has collaborated with others pivotal figures of net-art like Bruce Sterling, Stewart Home, RTMark, etc.
He graduated in 2005 in Drama, Art and Music Studies at the University of Turin.
Cirio's work deals with various contemporary issues in fields such as privacy, finance, copyright, democracy, militarism, environmentalism and cyber-security. His works reveal conceptions, conflicts and potentials of contemporary realities.
Paolo Cirio artistically reconfigures macro social and economic structures for subversive and empowering artworks.
Cirio's radical and controversial artworks are often depictions of corporate and governmental dominance through the use and control of information, media, economy and technology. He is particularly interested in how media and specific arrangements of information influence the creation and perception of cultural, political and economic reality, as well as personal emotional states, interpersonal relationships and instinctive human behavior. His artworks are active agents; they engage broad audiences in current social and critical debates.
Complete Artist's statement:
<link http: press text_paolo_cirio_statement.php _blank external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>
Art Installations
Cirio’s art installations embody performative media interventions and conceptual paradigms in fine art objects.
Within the space of an art gallery, these offline installations materially translate and document ethereal, time-based performances and their affect on both their targets and their audiences. Ultimately, Cirio’s art installations capture his critique of contemporary issues in collectable and archival artifacts made with stable mediums.
Awards & Grants
Turbulence commission, New York - U.S.
Quartier21 AiR, Museum Quarter, Vienna - Austria
Fellowship Eyebeam, New York - U.S.
Nominated New Technological Art Award, Ghent - Belgium
Nominated Stuttgarter Filmwinter, Stuttgart - Germany
Award of Distinction, Interactive Art, Prix Ars Electronica, Linz - Austria
First Prize, Award Share Prize, Turin - Italy
Grant Virtual Residency, Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol - UK
Nominated for 10th Cairo Prize, Milan - Italy
European Media Artists Grant, Werkleitz Center, Halle-Salle - Germany
Second Prize, Transmediale Award, Berlin - Germany
First Prize, IBM Award, Stuttgarter Filmwinter, Stuttgart - Germany
Nominated for Transmediale Award, Berlin - Germany
Honorary Mention, Share Festival, Turin - Italy
Media Award, St. Gilgen International School, Graz - Austria
Stipendium, Edith-Ruß-Haus für Medienkunst, Oldenburg - Germany
Honorary Mention, ibizagrafica, Ibiza - Spain
Nominated, Transmediale Award, Berlin - Gemrnay
Honorary Mention, Prix Ars Electronica, net Vision category, Linz - Austria
Nominated, VIPER Award, Basel - Switzerland
Comission, Rhizome, New York – U.S.
Solo Shows
Loophole for All, show at Aksioma | Project Space. 2014. Ljubljana - Slovenia
Jurisdiction Shopping, show at Kasa Gallery. 2013. Istanbul - Turkey
Decoding the Flow, online show at Museum of Contemporary Cuts. 2013. London - UK
REALITYFLOWHACKED, show at Aksioma | Project Space. 2011. Ljubljana - Slovenia
Performing Change, panels and lectures at EYEBEAM. 2013. NYC - U.S.
Fix It Yourself: The Art of Creating Economic Models, panel at The Kitchen for ISP Whitney Museum. 2012. NYC - U.S.
Illegal Art Show, open air exhibitions. 2004-2005. Turin and London - UK
Selected Exhibitions & Presentations
Currencies for two Spaces, keynote and exhibition at HDLU, Zagreb - Croatia
Afterglow, Transmediale, lecture at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin - Germany
Loophole for All, solo show at Aksioma | Project Space, Ljubljana - Slovenia
Global aCtIVISm, exhibition at ZKM, Karlsruhe - Germany
Unstable Territories, exhibition at Centre Contemporary Culture Strozzina, Florence - Italy
ISEA 2013, keynote lecture at Museum of Contemporary Art of Sydney - Australia
The Big Picture, exhibition at Museum of Contemporary Art of Denver, Colorado - U.S.
Out of The Box, exhibition at MAK, Museum for Applied Arts, Vienna - Austria
Performing sculptures of information asymmetry, lecture at Queen Mary, London - UK
Hacking informational realities, lecture at University of Plymouth - UK
Artists as Catalysts, exhibition at Alhóndiga, Bilbao - Spain
Trace Recordings exhibition at UTS Gallery, Sydney - Australia
IDFA DocLab, exhibition and lecture, Amsterdam - Netherlands
&NOW festival, lecture at Colorado Universiy, Boulder - U.S.
Influencers festival, exhibition and lecture at CCCB, Barcelona - Spain
Symposium Social Innovationat, lecture at the Echegaray Theatret, Malaga - Spain
Cultural Hijack, exhibition at the Architectural Association, London - UK
Decoding the Flow, online exhibition at Museum of Contemporary Cuts, London - UK
Lincoln Digital Culture festival, exhibition at Lincoln Center, Lincoln - UK
It's The Political Economy, Stupid, exhibition at Center for Cultural Decontamination, Belgrade - Serbia
It's The Political Economy, Stupid, exhibition at Gallery 400, University of Illinois at Chicago - U.S.
KIKK festival, exhibition and lecture, Namur - Belgium
Jurisdiction Shopping, Solo Show at Kasa Gallery, Istanbul - Turkey
Not Exactly, exhibition at RedLine Gallery, Denver - U.S.
Fast Connection Search, exhibition at the Internet Week NY, New York - U.S.
Run Computer, Run, exhibition at Rua Red Gallery, Dublin - Ireland
Memebrain symposium, lecture and workshop, Byron Bay - Australia
Leaders in Software and Art salon, lecture, New York - U.S.
Sound & Sight, exhibition and workshop at Eastern Bloc, Montreal - Canada
Drones / Birds: Princes of Ubiquity, exhibition at The Digital Now, Brussels - Belgium
MediaCities festival, exhibition and lecture, Buffalo - U.S.
Public Private exhibition at Kellen Gallery of The New School, New York - U.S.
26. Stuttgarter Filmwinter exhibition, Stuttgart - Germany
ArtFutura 2012, exhibition at Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
TEA - Collective Wisdom at National Fine arts Museum in Taichung - Taiwan
7th Seoul International Media Art Biennale, exhibition, Seoul – Korea
Loving Art. Making Art, exhibition, Tel Aviv Art Festival - Israel
Abandon Normal Devices festival, Manchester - UK
New Technological Art Award, exhibition, Bruxelles - Belgium
Mal au Pixel, lecture at Gaîté Lyrique, Paris - France
FIY: The Art of Creating Economic Models lecture for ISP Whitney Museum, NYC - U.S.
From the Pharaoh Lady Gaga at Wywyzszeni National Museum, Warsaw - Poland
Out of Control exhibition at Ars Electronica Center, Linz - Austria
Arts Numeriques exhibition at Electrochoc Festival, Bourgoin - France
Sculptural Performances of Information's Power lecture, Linz - Austria
Tactical Transmedia Fiction workshop at Universität für künstlerische, Linz - Austria
Sourcing the In-visible exhibition, Ruskin Gallery, Cambridge - UK
Imagined Cinemas lecture at Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam - Netherlands
AntiSocial Networking exhibition at Artefact festival, Leuven - Belgium
Unlike Us lecture at Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam - Netherlands
DATA lecture at Science Gallery, Dublin - Ireland
25. Stuttgarter Filmwinter exhibition, Stuttgart - Germany
ODNM lecture at L'École Nationale des Arts Décoratifs, Paris - France
WJ-Spots lecture at iMAL, Brussels - Belgium
Impakt festival, Utrecht - Netherlands
Psychoeconomy summit , Seville - Spain
Unsound festival, lecture, Krakow - Poland
UAMO festival, Ultra Social, Munich - Germany
Share festival, Turin - Italy
REALITYFLOWHACKED, Solo show at Aksioma | Project Space, Ljubljana - Slovenia
Ars Electronica Festival, Origin, Linz - Austria
ISEA 2011 Conference, lecture, Istanbul - Turkey
Rewire Conference, presentation, FACT, Liverpool - UK
Abandon Normal Devices festival, Liverpool - UK
User Friendly Society, Galerija Galženica, Velika Gorica - Croatia
Genesis Project, Culture Push, workshop, Brooklyn - U.S.
Utopian Currencies, exhibition and panel, Paris - France
Visionary Trading Project, Guest Projects, London - UK
IMAC 2011, Re-New, lecture, Copenhagen - Denmark
Networked, Centro Fundación Telefónica, Lima - Peru
File Festival, Sao Paulo - Brazil
EMAF 2011, presentation, Osnabrück - Germany
Chilling Effects, Enschede - Netherlands
Beyond Surveillance, Portsmouth - UK
Mobile Learning Conference, Bremen - Germany
Share Conferences, Belgrade - Serbia
Response:Ability, Transmediale, exhibition and lecture at HKW, Berlin - Germany
XD 01. User Experience Designer, Spazio Concept, Milan - Italy
Mediamorfosi 2.0, Sud Lab, Naples – Italy
Hacking Public Space, Flashback, Microwave Festival, Hong Kong
STRP Festival, Eindhoven - Netherlands
Mediateca Expandida Showcase, Laboral, Gjion - Spain
IDEAS 10: Art and Digital Narrative, Emily Carr University, Vancouver - Canada
Rien de politique, Komplot gallery, Brussels - Belgium
EuropeanDays, Co-production forum, Turin - Italy
Electrified summercamp, TimeLab, Gent - Belgium
Hacking Public Space, Flashback section, S.M.A.K. and Vooruit, Ghent - Belgium
Cease & Desist Art, LPM Festival, Rome - Italy
Art Project 2°, Viareggio - Italy
Map Digital Space, Ithaca - USA
4th Contemporary Art Festival TINA B, Prague - Czech Republic
10th Cairo Prize, Milan - Italy
Da Festival, Sofia - Bulgaria
Espacio Enter Festival, Tenerife - Spain
.move, EMARE exhibition, Halle - Germany
Share Festival, Turin - Italy
ENTER, 4th international festival, Prague - Czech Republic
FAD Festival, Belo Horizonte - Brazil
Inkelektro, Bari - Italy
Moves09 Forum, CornerHouse Manchester - UK
SocialEast Seminar on Art and Espionage, Courtauld Institute, London - UK
Tag ties and affective spies, online exhibition, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens - Greece
Anna Kournikova Deleted By Memeright Trusted System, HMKV, Dortmund - Germany.
Territories and Resources, CinemaCity, Novi Sad - Serbia
The Enterprise of Art, PAN, Naples - Italy
Revolutions - Forms That Turn, Biennale of Sydney Online Exhibition, Australia
Economy 0, Paris - France
MIR Festival, Athens - Greece
Transmediale, lecture at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin - Germany
xxxxx, Pikesel Festival, Bergen - Norway
Track My Poem, NABA, Milan
Plugin Festival, Basel - Switzerland
Zone V2, Museum Of Contemporary Art, Taipei - Taiwan
STRP, Eindhoven - Netherlands
My Own Private Reality, Edith-Ruß-Haus für Medienkunst, Oldenburg - Germany
EMAF International Festival, Maribor - Slovenia
DEAF Festival, Rotterdam - Netherlands
LABcyberspaces, Laboral Art Center, Gijon - Spain
Share Festival, Turin - Italy
Halle für Kunst, Lüneburg - Germany
Free Radicals, Israel Center For Digital Art, Holon - Israel
Connected, Art Center Nabi, Seul - Korea, Chico - California
Canarias Mediafest, Gran Canaria - Spain
D.I.Y. Do or Die, Oklahoma - USA
NTT ICC Museum, Tokyo - Japan
Peam Festival, Pescara - Italy
New Museum Online Exhibition, New York - USA
Theatre Paris-Villette, Connecting Worlds, Paris - France
Derivatives, new art financial visions, La Casa Encendida, Madrid - Spain
Struttura, Livorno - Italy
Share Festival, Turin - Italy
Viper Festival, Basel - Switzerland
Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney - Australia
No-Parachute, artandgallery, Milan - Italy
Transmediale, exhibition at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin – Germany
Hybrid, Ars Electronica, Linz - Austria
Share Festival, Turin - Italy
Quadriennale di Roma, Turin - Italy
EyeJam Festival, Turin - Italy
Banaram Festival, Ancona - Italy
I love You - Digital Craft, Mak, Frankfurt - Germany
Dina Festival, Campobasso - Italy
Selected Printed Bibliography
Yael Eylat Van-Essen, “Photography Beyond Representation”, London South bank University, UK 2013
Danièle Méaux,”Protocol and contemporary photography”, publications de l'Université de Saint-Etienne, Toulouse 2013
Joe Nagle, "How to Enjoy Contemporary Art, Nine key Explanations that will help you", UK 2013
“Berliner Type und Corporate Design Preis Jahrbücher 2012”, TELLUS GMBH, Berlin 2013, ISBN 9783942071147
Claude Crommelin, "New Street Art", Vivays Publishing, UK 2013, ISBN 9781908126511
Geert Lovink, Miriam Rasch, "Unlike Us Reader", Institute of Network Cultures, Holland 2013, ISBN 9789081857529
“European Youth Trend Report 2013”, Ghent 2013, ISBN 9789082014709
ETC Magazine, Canada, ISBN: 978-2-924114-02-5.
Alana Jelinek, "This is Not Art: Activism and Other 'not-art'" book, I.B.Tauris, UK 2013, ISBN 9781848858572
Manuela Naveau, Gofried Stocker, Shu-Min Lin,"TEA/Collective Wisdom", catalogue, Taiwan 2012
ARTFUTURA 2012, catalogue, Argentina 2012, ISBN: 849220849X
Yukiko Shikata, 7th Seoul International Media Art Biennale "Media City Seoul", catalogue, South Korea 2012
Ars Electronica, “The Big Picture” catalogue, Austria, 2012, ISBN 9783775734349
Denisse A. Arévalo, "Creative Destruction" catalogue, Whitney Museum, U.S. 2012, ISBN 0874271592
Lori Andrews, "I Know Who You Are and I Saw What You Did" book, Free Press U.S. 2012, ISBN 9781451650518
IMAC2011, "Interactive Media Arts Conference, Re-new", Denmark, ISBN 9788771120370
Le Nouvel Observateur, magazine, France 2012, issue 2506
Pau Waelder Laso, "" magazine, Spain, 2012, issue 48-49
Paul D. Miller, "Origin" magazine, U.S. 2012, issue september
Katharina Good, "Tick" magazine, Switzerland 2012, issue 6
Richard Schwarz, "WEAVE" magazine, Germany 2012, issue 02/12
Gustavo Romano, "PSYCHOECONOMY! Corporate Summit Sevilla" catalogue, Spain 2012, issue 2
Barbara Pollack, "The Social Revolution", ARTnews, magazine U.S., June 2011
Dominique Moulon, “Art contemporain nouveaux médias”, book, 2011, ISBN 978235988038
Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern-Ruit, "ORIGIN", Ars Electronica, catalogue, 2011, ISBN 9783775731805
ISEA2011, "Uncontainable" Leonardo Electronic Almanac, Istanbul, Volume 18 Issue 5, ISBN 9781906897192
EMAF 2011, "This is media art", catalogue, ISBN 9783926501332
Enter 5°, “Datapolis” catalogue, Prague, ISBN 978 8025495438
B. Sterling, "Art crosses the borders", XL magazine, Italy, April 2011, Year VII, n°65
Eftihia Stefanidi, Dazed and Confused magazine, UK 2011, ISSN 0961-9704, issue 204
LaToyah Gill, ROOMS magazine, UK 2011, ISSN 2046-5505, issue 6
Artlick, magazine, UK 2011, ISSN 2046-9349, issue 5
V. Tollmann, “We want our Facebook profiles back”, Springerin magazine, Austria, Issue 2/11
A. Caronia, D'Ars magazine, Italy March 2011, N°205 Anno 51°
S. Zepke, S. O'Sullivan, "Deleuze and Contemporary Art" book, Edinburgh, ISBN 9780748638383
B. Weil, B. Gottlieb, “New Narratives of Mobility”, Mediateca Expandida Catalgue, Gjion, ISSN 1889-965X
C. Campanini, “Antologia della webletteratura” book, Italy, Il Foglio Letterario, ISBN 9788876062643
Next Exit, "Young Blood 2009" catalogue, Rome, Iron Editore, ISBN 9788890378607
L. Barbeni, "Fino alla fine del cinema" book, Mediaversi, Italy, ISBN 8849134118
A. Ludovico, "Neural" magazine, Italy, issue #35
G. Cortassa , B. Meneghel, "Evading Customs", catalogue, Milan - Italy
M. Gioni, L. Cornell and L. Hoptman "Younger Than Jesus: Artist Directory", New York, ISBN 9780714849812
Next Exit, "Young Blood 2008" catalogue, Rome, Iron Editore, ISBN 9788890378607
P. Zorn, “.Move Festival” catalogue, Halle, ISBN 9783000289729
M. Burian “TINA B” catalogue, ISBN 9788090446106
D. Dragona, “Tag Ties and Affective Spies“, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens, ISBN 9789608349360
M. M. White, "AdBuster" magazine, Canada, issue #86
A. Ludovico, "Springerin" magazine, Austria, issue 3/09
F. Nori, "Arte" magazine, Italy, issue 434
Mirko Tobias Schäfer, “Bastard Culture” book, Utrecht, ISBN 9789039349731
I. Arns, F. Hunger, "Anna Kournikova Deleted By Memeright Trusted System" Dortmund, ISBN 9783941100268
I. M. Lalic, “CinemaCity Festival -Territory & Resources” catalogue, Novi Sad, ISBN 9788686877109
C. Christov-Bakargiev, "Biennale of Sydney, Revolutions - Forms That Turn" catalogue, Sydney, ISBN 9780500976845
J. Draganovic, “The Enterprise of Art” catalogue, Naples, ISBN 9788851005313
A. Cecchi, “NMD New media design” book, Mantova, ISBN 9788874952748
M. Godfrey, "TATE etc." magazine, UK, issue 14-08
L. Barbeni, "Share Festival" catalogue, Turin
S. Kovats, T. Munz, "Conspire - Tansmediale Festival" catalogue, Berlin, ISBN 9783865884619
Richard Colson, "The Fundamentals of Digital Art" book, Lusanna, ISBN 2940373582
Jussi Parikka, " Ephemera" magazine, Turku, Volume 7(2):287-308
Shiba, Oguchi, Yano, "InnerCommunication", magazine, Tokyo, issue N°59
Alex Adriaansens, "Zone V2", catalogue, Tapei, ISBN 9789868321120
V2 Unstable Media, "DEAF", catalogue, Rotterdam, ISBN 9789056625771
Alex Adriaansens, "Lab_Cyberspaces" catalogue, Gijon, ISBN 9788461158805
Michael Dieter, "Piracy, Distribution, Control", magazine, M/C Journal, Oct. 2007, Vol. 10, issue 5
Suhjung Hur, Art Center Nabi "Connected" catalogue, Seul, ISBN 804140638
Yukiko Shikata, ICC "Connecting Worlds" catalogue, Tokyo, ISBN 757170335
Sergio Morales, “Canarias Mediafest” catalogue, Gran Canaria - Spain, ISBN 848103472X
Various Authors, "Struttura" book, Florence, ISBN 9788859601777
Andreas Broeckmann, "Transmediale - Reality Addicts” catalogue, Berlin
Domenico Quaranta, "Share Festival" catalogue, Turin
Chris Sauve, Andreas Ullrich, “International Sticker Award“ catalogue, Berlin, ISBN 389955151
Gerfried Stocker, Ars Electronica “Hybrid - Living in Paradox” catalogue, Linz, ISBN 3775716572
Luca Lampo, "Connessioni Leggendarie" catalogue, Milan, ISBN 9385851904372
Laura Barreca, F. Guida, M. Tonelli, "XIV Esposizione Quadriennale d’Arte" catalogue, Rome, ISBN 8880165704
The Eisenhower Institute, "Space Security 2013", book, Washington, D.C., 2004, ISBN 0920231365
Andreas Broeckmann, "Transmediale - Play Global”, catalogue, Berlin
Franziska Nori, "I Love You", catalogue, Frankfurt
Selected Interviews
The Feed, SBS World News, national TV, Australia
ABC Radio, national radio, Australia
Vice, online portal, U.S.
Associated Press, online portal, U.S.
The Creators Project, online portal, U.S.
GRITtv, online TV, U.S.
The Verge, online portal, U.S.
Yahoo!, online portal, U.S.
Lincolnite, local newspaper, UK
El Pais, newspaper, Spain
BVT, local TV, Spain
L'Espresso, magazine, Italy
Il Fatto Quotidiano, newspaper, Italy
Corriere della Sera, newspaper, Italy
Wired Italia, online portal, Italy
Canal Plus, national French TV, France
DW, online TV, Germany
Huffington Post, portals, U.S.
O Globo, newspaper, Brazil
The Atlantic & Atlantic Cities, online magazine, U.S.
Libération, newspaper, France
Sky News, national TV, Italy
NRC next, newspaper, interview, Netherlands
ROOMS, magazine, UK
Origin, magazine, Paul D. Miller, U.S.
Rhizome, online portal, U.S.
Tick, magazine, Switzerland
WEAVE, magazine, Richard Schwarz, Germany
Nachrichten, newspaper, Austria
Ninja Marketing, online portal, Italy
Ganzo, online portal, Italy
Artnews, Barbara Pollack, US, Ben Davis, US, Laura Allsop, US
Dazed and Confused, Eftihia Stefanidi, UK
ROOMS Art Uncovered, LaToyah Gill, UK
Taz.die Tageszeitung, Germany, Kyana Gordon, US
Sueddeutsche, Stefanie Heiß, Germany
Springerin, Vera Tollmann, Austria
Tagesschau, German public TV
Zapp NDR, German public TV
Česká Televize, National Czech TV channel 1
RTV SLO, National Slovenian TV
L'Oeil de Links show, Canal Plus, French TV
Ha'Aretz, Dafna Arad, Israel
Vogue Italia, Elena Burdignon, Italy
Artline, Sören Schmeling, Germany
Digicult, Tatiana Bazzichelli, Italy
NIN and Politika, newspaper and magazine of Serbia
Web Letteratura, book, Italy, Il Foglio Letterario
Neural, magazine, Italy, issue #35
Fino alla fine del cinema, book, Italy
AdBuster magazine, Canada
Springerin magazine, Austria
Velevet magazine, Athens
Il Sole 24 Ore, Italy
Radio eins RBB, Berlin
Artè TV, France
HTV, Croatia
Transmediale Archive, Berlin
Tagr.Tv, Austria
Voices of Resistance from London, UK
2006, UK
NTT ICC magazine, Tokyo
Springerin, Austria
DE:BUG, Germany
Digicult, Italy
Tecknemedia, Italy
Cosmopolitan , Italy
Radio Flash, Indaco, Italy
Il Punto, Italy
Belorusskaya Gazeta, Belarus
Selected Press
Vice, magazine, U.S.
ARTINFO, magazine, U.S.
The Nation, magazine, U.S.
The Verge, online portal, U.S.
FastCompany, online portal, U.S.
Washington Post, newspaper, U.S.
YesMagazine, online portal, U.S.
CounterPunch, online portal, U.S.
Mail On Line, newspaper, UK
iTVNetwork, national TV, UK
Dazed and Confused, magazine, UK
Kompass, newspaper, Indonesia
Infobae, newspaper, Argentina
Global Times, newspaper, China
Sing Pao, newspaper, Hong Kong
Select, magazine, Brazil
El Pais, newspaper, Spain
INFORMATIÓN, newspaper, Spain
20 Minutos, magazine, Spain
United Explanations, Spain, 2013
Diena, newspaper, Lithuania
derStandard, newspaper, Austria
E-24, newspaper, Norway
Iefimerida, newspaper, Greece 2013
Atlatszo, online portal,, Hungary
L'Espresso, magazine, Italy
Fatto Quotidiano, newspaper, Italy
ArtShake, review, Italy
Blouinartinfo, magazine, Germany
RebelArt, online portal, Germany
Cayman 27, TV News, Cayman
CayCompass, newspaper, Cayman
Royal Gazette, newspaper, Bermuda
Co.Design Fast Company, online magazine, U.S.
The Atlantic & Atlantic Cities, online magazine, U.S.
Huffington Post, portals, Italy, UK, U.S.
Origin, magazine, Paul D. Miller, U.S.
Rhizome, portal, U.S., online portal, U.S.
TIME, online magazine, U.S.
Daily Mail, newspaper, UK
ROOMS, magazine, UK
Creative Review, online magazine, UK
Toronto Standard, newspaper, Canada
The Standard, newspaper, Hong Kong
O Globo, newspaper, Brazil
24 Horas, newspape, Mexico
BILD, newspaper, Germany
Hamburger Abendblatt, newspaper, Germany
DW, online TV, interview, Germany
WEAVE, magazine, Germany
Le Nouvel Observateur, magazine, France
Libération, newspaper, interview, France
Canal Plus, national French TV, France
L'independant, newspaper, France
20 Minutes, portal, France
Sky News, TV, Italy
NRC next, newspaper, interview, Netherlands
El Pais, newspaper, Spain
der Standard, newspaper, Austria
Nachrichten, newspaper, Austria
Tick, magazine, Switzerland
R TV, TV, Romania
R TVI 24, TV, Portugal
CNN, TV news, U.S.
MSNBC, TV news, U.S.
WSBTV, TV news, U.S.
Fox News, TV news, U.S.
NBC Bay, TV - U.S.
Apple daily HK, TV news, China
ZDF, TV - Germany
NRK, TV - Norwey
RTBF, TV, Belgium
France24, TV - France
CBC Television, TV, Canada
SAMAA, TV, Pakistan
Skai, TV, Greece
AFP, Press Agency
Independent, newspaper, UK
Art Licks magazine, UK
Dazed and Confused, magazine, UK
Rooms magazine, UK
Taz.die Tageszeitung, Germany
Spiegel, newspaper, Germany
Sueddeutsche Zeitung, newspaper, Germany
Libération – Ecrans, newspaper, France
derStandard, newspaper, Austria
The Sun, newspaper, UK
Daily Mail, newspaper, UK
San Francisco Chronicle, newspaper, U.S.
USA Today, newspaper, U.S.
Taipei Times, newspaper, Tapei
The Globe and Mail, newspaper, UK
The Sydney Morning Herald, newspaper, Australia
The New Age, newspaper, Australia
20 minuten, newspaper, Switzerland
Time, magazine, U.S.
Huffington Post, magazine, U.S.
Il Sole24Ore, Italy
Arte, Italy
Liberation, France, USA
Calist, Israel
Adbuster, Canada
Velevet magazine, Greece
Telepolis, Spain
ArgNet, USA
Il Sole24Ore, Italy
Frankfurter Allemagne, Germany
ExtrArt, Italy
UndoNet, Italy
E-Flux, online
ArtFact, online
XL Repubblica, Italy
Blick, Swissinfo, Switzerland
Tages-Anzeiger, OE24, Switzerland
Der Standard, Limmatonline, Switzerland, Austria
Springerin, Austria
ElPais, Spain
Die Zeit, Germany
Liberation Ecrans, France
Spiegel , Germany
Sueddeutsche Zeitung, Germany
The Guardian Art, UK
L'Unità, Italy
MAzine, UK
Artforum News, week 28
Arte-Tv, France
Flash Art, Italy, Germany
De:Bug, Germany
Neural magazine, Italy
New York Art, USA
El Pais, Spain
Exibart, Italy
Liberation, Francia
Village Voice, USA
Belorusskaya Gazeta, Belarus
La Stampa, Italy
Il Punto, Italy, Italy, Italy
Exibart, Italy
Basebog, Italy
Space Security, Toronto
Flash Art, Italy
Liberation, France
Il sole 24 Ore, Italy
Boiler, Italy
Spiegel online, Germany
Liberation, France
Wired, USA
Flash Art, Italy
Espresso online, Italy
La Stampa Web, Italy
Clarin, Spain
Cnn De, Germany
PragueNews, U.S.
NetSecurity, Japan
Daily Brief Number DOB02-071, Department of National Defense of Canada
IDEFENSE Intelligence Operations, Verisign Inc. for Department of Defense of U.S.
(W)orld Currency Equation
This artwork illustrates a global currency through the creative formulation of an equation. The project addresses the volatility inherent of various currencies and proposes an algebraic equation that provides valuation and liquidity for a new global currency based upon the average of an index of individual currencies. As a sustainable financial instrument, the World Currency Equation will act as a cushion that will preserve and empower people against the danger of currency manipulation and speculation, while uniting the world population through an independent global currency. The creation of this equation is the ultimate artistic practice that combines art and the keys economic issues that today's global society faces.

“The art world really is stupid in a way…”
Since September 2012, Paolo Cirio has been working on an art project called “Street Ghosts”, which inverts what Google does with our privacy.
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