Mihai Lukacs
area: Performance Arts, Theory
Key Facts
Performance Arts, Theoryresidence
Bucharestrecommending institution
tranzit.org/ERSTE Stiftungtime period
August 2013 - August 20132012 Central European University, Budapest, Hungary - PhD studies in Comparative Gender Studies, Gender Studies Department.
2007 Central European University, Budapest, Hungary - M.A. in Gender Studies.
2005 Babeş Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania, Department of International Relations and European Studies - M.A. in Gender Differences Inequalities.
2007 Babeş Bolyai University, Theatre and Television Department, Cluj Napoca, Romania – B.A. in Stage Directing.
2003 Babeş Bolyai University, Department of International Relations and European Studies, Cluj Napoca, Romania – B.A. in Political Sciences.
The Pleasure of Nibbling in the Case of Afterlife Emergency, National Centre for Dance Bucharest, 2013
The Queer Worker, Kvir_Feminist_Actziya Wien, 2013
The Other Us, Platforma Space Bucharest, 2012
Prolife Radio and Magazine, Salonul de Proiecte- Biroul de Cercetari Melodramatice Bucharest, 2012
Postspectacle Shelter at the House of the People, MNAC- Presidential Candidacy Bucharest, 2012
Invitation to War, MNAC – Common Space Collective Bucharest, 2012
How did I get here? What ways did I join and collaborate and what ways did I separate or withdraw within the flux of moves and worlds? Following my own experiences with travel, activism, madness, surveillance, detachment, alienation and expansion, I am producing ephemeral works for 2 partners (one being missed or just an embodiment of a split subject), using what Brian Massumi calls “twoness [as] a relay to a multiplicity”. My experiences separate and mingle in a chronological interaction based on the visual and written archives from the time I experimentally moved from one location to another. A mediatised experience crossing imaginary worlds occurs while simultaneously the nomadic move is made across physical borders. The disorientation and flexibility caused by neoliberal capitalism affect and excite the psychological processes that are crucial to countering a dominant discourse of “progress”, a “free market” and “borderless” space. By being at every step a relay away from fixed ideas into direct action and performance, my strategy is to analyse and reinvent a nomadic archive of political possibility and becoming.“Now/mad” is a migrant walk in the Sigmund Freud Park that focuses on a personal experience of nomadism, precarity and performative explorations of hysterical subjectivities.