Geeske Bijker
area: Theory / Conceptual Art
Key Facts
Theory / Conceptual Artresidence
Amsterdamrecommending institution
Kunstverein Medienturmtime period
February 2008 - February 2008g e e s k e b ij k e r
info works: Slewe Gallery Amsterdam
Aan het licht gericht, Vishal - Haarlem
Unfinished Business, Kunstverein Medienturm – Graz, AT
Kamer Laakkwartier or Soba Beograd, Beograd-Den Haag
quartier21 Vienna, residency via Kunstverein Medienturm, AT
Projectstudio BERLIN, residency via foundation: Fonds BKVB
One-liner on color, publication by Akzo Nobel Art Foundation
After the endgame & Tape this, RC de Ruimte-IJmuiden
Tape this, Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam
Sainte Victoire#3 (duo), SAFE -Dalfsen
working budget by foundation: Fonds BKVB, Amsterdam
Met Stip, catalogue by foundation: Fonds BKVB, Amsterdam
Slewe Gallery (duo), Amsterdam
Room 208-Winston Hotel (solo), Amsterdam
Raid Projects, box-set project for ArtLA, U.S.A.
nominee Royal Prize for Free Painting, Palace-Amsterdam
stipend by foundation: Fonds BKVB, Amsterdam
SHOWCASE-NL, by Jan vd Ploeg, Amsterdam
Uitgelicht 04 - Kunstvlaai, by Fonds BKVB, Amsterdam
Gespot, Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam
nominee Royal Prize for Free Painting, Palace-Amsterdam
BovenIJ hospital (solo), Amsterdam
stipend by foundation: Fonds BKVB, Amsterdam
Copenhagen Modernism Show (co-operation Zitzo), DK
Van Nelle Ontwerpfabriek (co-operation Zitzo), Rotterdam
Jongtalent2002, by Artolive, Amsterdam
prize for final exam, Edith van der Aa foundation
Avenue and Tableau, publication
AKZO Nobel Art Foundation, Arnhem
Allen & Overy, international law firm, Amsterdam
Arval PHH, assignment relation gift, Nieuwegein
Centre for Visual Arts, CBK Zuidoost, Amsterdam
2002-1996, painting, Gerrit Rietveld Academy Amsterdam
1996-1991, drama, University of Amsterdam
1993-1992, production, Dutch Film & Television Academy
lives and works in Amsterdam, born 1971 Weert
“Geeske Bijker makes paintings and murals which consist of planes, lines and strips. Her work flows from the use of personal systematics. Working in a systematic way seems a starting point
for the artist, to use consequently at first, and to rebel against later. Paintings succeed each other, originate from each other and
form series of an investigation into the working of the image.
Whereas the artist used to work with clear references to the physical world outside the painting, her more recent work is of a
more abstract level: (spatial) observation.”
by Jasper van der Graaf for the exhibition Sainte Victoire #3 – Safe, 2006
“Geeske Bijker’s work is an interaction of colours, lines and planes. She plays with our aesthetic expectations, our longing for symmetry and perceptibility to the senses in order to disorganize them in a subtle way. Provocative pink and light blue, neat frames
along the walls could be interpreted as an ironic comment on modernist tradition.”
by Jan Maarten Voskuil for the exhibition Tape This – Arti et Amicitiae, 2006
Projektvorschlag für quartier21 (Zusammenfassung) – projekt proposal for quartier21 (summary):
Further work and continuation on Entflechtung which I worked on in Berlin. Studies after colours, lines, structures of Subway (U-bahn).
Each city has its own colour palette and infrastructure. I make (wall)installations with paintings and murals based on studies, slides and photographs which I have made.
My Entflechtung project will go on in Vienna and will be a starting point for new work, also for the exhibition "Unfinished Business" in Kunstverein Medienturm Graz.
My work is about spatial observation and (dis)orientation; it looks clear and unclear at the same time. “Geeske Bijker’s work is an interaction of colours, lines and planes. She plays with our aesthetic expectations, our longing for symmetry and perceptibility to the senses in order to disorganize them in a subtle way. Provocative pink and light blue, neat frames along the walls could be interpreted as an ironic comment on modernist tradition.”
by Jan Maarten Voskuil for the exhibition "Tape This", Arti et Amicitiae, 2006
“Geeske Bijker (1971) makes paintings and murals which consist of planes, lines and strips. Her work flows from the use of personal systematics.
Working in a systematic way seems a starting point for the artist, to use consequently at first, and to rebel against later. The system emerges during the working process in order to be broken down again later on. Paintings succeed each other, originate from each other and form series of an investigation into the working of the image. Whereas the artist used to work with clear references to the physical world outside the painting, her more recent work is of a more abstract level: (spatial) observation.”by Jasper van der Graaf for the exhibition Sainte Victoire #3 – Safe, 2006
Plan and motivation was: Further work and continuation on Entflechtung which I worked on in Berlin. Studies after colours, lines, structures of subway, U-bahn.
“Each city has its own colour palette and infrastructure. I make wall installations with paintings and murals based on studies, slides and photographs which I have made. My Entflechtung project will go on in Vienna and will be a starting point for new work, also for the exhibition Unfinished Business in Medienturm Graz.
My work is about spatial observation and (dis)orientation; it looks clear and unclear at the same time.”
I managed to make an installation Linie Zwei based on this concept in the Koje of Medienturm. The subway station Volkstheater got a very import role in this work; it was one of my first meetings with Vienna, the place where I lived above and kissed a lover but especially it had the perfect match of colours.
During this working period I had such a nice energy that I really worked a lot, followed much lectures about new media and digital art (which were very new for me), went to see exhibitions frequently and took the time to learn other artists and writers. Surprised by the many interesting art, nice talks and warm atmosphere it made me feel connected. Unfortunately one month is to short for this very interesting city where seems to happen a great deal. For me it was a pleasant waking call and gave my work a nice boost. Definitely I will come back to Vienna for more research and hopefully combined with a working period. The studio 513 had the most inspiring views.
One remark: an introduction with the other artists-in-residence and the program should be sooner than half way the period like now was arranged. In the beginning it was not quite clear to me what was expected.