Marko Košnik
area: Media Art
Key Facts
Media Artresidence
Kranjrecommending institution
Transforming Freedomtime period
February 2007 - February 2007Marko Košnik, polymedia artist, started his carrier in 80's as cofounder of Laibach, writing concepts as well for the groups Junajtit Adis, Cavis Negra, and Most.
Since the beginning of his collaborative projects he was producing creative environments, open labs and media platforms, dealing with synchronization of authors from different backgrounds and self organization.
Crossing from acoustic studies of subterranean Karst to prefomances and installations with sonorostatics (electro-acoustic plates) he entered performance with own productions of Egon March Institute, and started building interactive environments in 1993.
Full complexitiy of his approach was presented in PARA trilogy, including Parahouse (self- producing environment for networked performance, Ostranenie 1997).
Kosnik acts as performer, writer, musician, installation arist, organizer, producer and video instrumentalist.
Main works in the recent years:
Ditopia Bathyscaphe Trieste, performance installation, Museum of fine arts, Ljubljana, 2007
Operabil Kobe, dance piece in interactive environment (with Sumi Masayuki and Barbara Thun), Kobe - Maribor - Berlin, 2006
Operabil Shqiptare Tirana Biennal 3, site specific installation - action, Tirana, 2005
Operabil Vienna, performance lecture, Vienna 2005
Ditopia 05, interactive installation, Heuroville Saint Clair, 2004
web page:
I am realizing my Air MQ Vienna residency in two parts - a month in February and a month in May 2007. I will devote my time and work spent in Vienna towards two main directions of interests, both having a strong tradition in Vienna: a notion of an intellectual group or circle (organization) and mapping of space (in regard to "kataster" - land register). I will rearrange the topics into personal memory topography produced out of video, audio and written records collected at the place and present it in a form of "power point" presentation/ lecture at the end of my stay.
Marko Košnik :
workshop lectures, performance premiere and a new air base exhibition
In the month of February and May 2007 i was taking part in Air program on a kind invitation from Transforming freedom group.
My stay and work in Vienna was quite a departure from the project originally planed, mainly cause of the offers introduced to me at the time of arriving to Vienna, to participate in activities of the Transforming freedom itself, what i joined with all my available creative resources. This way the first month ended by tree lectures
which i prepared motivated by internal needs of the group and were on public display in
their office at Quartier fuer Digitale Kultur on February 20, 22 and 24, starting and 17.00
hours under the tittle: "Close to everyday performance".
It became clear as well during my first month of residency that ambitions for public productions at Quartier21 are on the rise, so i started preparing elements for the performance which we agreed to go for in May. Indeed, on May 24. i presented a new version of a performance from the "Operabil POW" serries, "Mousy", which i wrote during my residency stay, including a large part of visuals all taken and prepared in Vienna.
The event took place in Veranstaltungsraum of Quartier fuer Digitale Kultur. On June 15, two weeks after finishing the residency, i returned to Vienna for the opening of the exhibition "Operabil: The Early Documents", for which i prepared a new video documentary film about my work, which was on a public display till July 6 in the frame of newly established Air base exhibition program.
Vienna inspired me a lot, only this way i could finish two new projects exclusively for my friends. MQ Air residency was an incredible experience for me, which makes me see the Vienna art scene in a new light.