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Jan Robert Leegte

Jan Robert Leegte

area: Sound Art

wall panelling © Jan Robert Leegte

ornaments © Jan Robert Leegte

ornaments © Jan Robert Leegte

ornaments © Jan Robert Leegte

Key Facts




Sound Art



recommending institution

Kunstverein Medienturm

time period

December 2005 - January 2006


[Curriculum Vitae] [Exhibitions (selection)]

+ (2005) festival 'Ultrasound', The Media Centre, Huddersfield, GB
+ (2005) soloshow 'Jan Robert Leegte', de Verschijning, Tilburg, NL
+ (2005) groupshow 'Techno2', Montevideo, Amsterdam, NL
+ (2005) festival 'Sonar 2005', Barcelona, Spain
+ (2005) groupshow 'Three Ways of Looking at the Same Thing', PAKT, Amsterdam, NL
+ (2005) soloshow 'Scrollbars', Medialounge / The Media Centre, Huddersfield, GB
+ (2004) groupshow 'Uitgelicht 4', Fonds voor beeldende kunsten, vormgeving en bouwkunst, NL
+ (2004) groupshow 'Eindeloze Werken', curator: Jan Maarten Voskuil, Nieuwe Vide, Haarlem, NL
+ (2003) festival 'Lopend Beeld 2', Nieuwe Vide, Haarlem, NL
+ (2003) 'untitled' included in showroom,, Graz, AT+ (2003) groupshow 'Leegte, Luining, van der Spek', Zapf Dingbats, The Hague, NL
+ (2003) groupshow 'Abstraction Now', Künstlerhaus, Vienna, AT
+ (2003) solo-netshow 'artcart',, D
+ (2002) groupshow 'Non Members Only', Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, NL
+ (2002) assignment 'MTV mobile', MTV Japan, J
+ (2002) performance, NoorderZon festival, Groningen, NL
+ (2001) groupshow 'Last Birthday Party', de Balie, Amsterdam, NL
+ (2001) groupshow 'lopend beeld', nieuwe vide, Haarlem, NL
+ (2001) participation media-art festival 'File - Electronic Language Festival', Sao Paolo, BR+ (2001) 'untitled[scrollbars]' included in artbase,, USA
+ (2001) groupshow 'pandaemonium', the Lux, Londen, GB
+ (2001) group-netshow 'shower', F
+ (2000) solo-netshow 'site:specific', W139, Amsterdam, NL
+ (2000) group-netshow 'andernorts', D+ (2000) netgallery 'artcart', D
+ (2000) groupshow 'netAffects', kunstvlaai, Amsterdam, NL
+ (2000) group-netshow 'script', KO
+ (2000) groupshow 'video-positive'-festival 'The Other Side of Zero', Bluecoat Gallery, Liverpool, GB 
+ (1999) group-netshow 'degrees feet inches', GB                 


+ (2004) 'The Anatomy of the Now', Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, NL [lectures, presentations, workshops]
+ (2005) lecture on own work, PAKT, Amsterdam, NL+ (2005) lecture on own work, 'Kersvers', 11, Amsterdam, NL
+ (2005) lecture on own work, Medialounge / The Media Centre, Huddersfield, GB
+ (2003) lecture on own work, Royal Art Academy The Hague, NL+ (2003) 8 week course on netart, Willem de Kooning academy, Rotterdam, NL
+ (2002) lecture on own work, 'Lazy Marie', Begane Grond, Utrecht, NL
+ (1999) lecture on netart, HTS ICT, Hogeschool Rotterdam, NL
+ (1999) lecture on netart, Willem de Kooning academy, Rotterdam, NL  [education]+ (1995/1999) Willem de Kooning academy, fine arts, NL
+ (1992/1995) TU Delft faculty of Architecture, architecture, NL  [grants]
+ (2003) Startstipendium, Fonds voor Beeldende Kunsten+ (2003) Travelsubsidy, Mondriaan Stichting,  (for Abstraction Now, Vienna)  [reviews and publications]
+ (2005) 'Interview J.R. Leegte', UK Metro, 20th November 2005 (author: Tina Jackson)
+ (2004) 'Interview J.R. Leegte', (author: Peter Luining)
+ (2004) 'E-Project Vol.2', Paopaws, Taipei, TW
+ (2004) 'Abstraction Now' catalogue, Vienna, AT
+ (2004) 'Uitgelicht 4' catalogue, Amsterdam, NL
+ (2003) 'Eindeloze Werken' catalogue, Haarlem, NL
+ (2002) 'Netkunst', Lucasx 2002 No. 1 (author: Josephine Bosma)
+ (2001) 'Animatiewerelden zijn opeens kunst', De Volkskrant, 2 november 2001 (author: Merlijn Schoonenboom)
+ (2000) 'Liverpool Roundup, dropping to zero', Log Illustrated Magazine winter 2000 (author: Alice Angus)
+ (2000) 'andernorts . elsewhere', am Ort (catalogus 'andernorts'), 2000 (author: Mario Hergueta)
+ (2000) '', HTV de IJsberg jul/aug 2000 (author: Jan Robert Leegte)
+ (2000) '', HTV de IJsberg jul/aug 2000 (author: Jan Robert Leegte)
+ (2000) 'talk & read insight' Eyestorm 4/7/00 (author: Jon Thomson)
+ (1999) 'Crackle & Pop' Art Monthly 1999 No. 231 (author: Jon Thomson)


+ (2003-) member of Artist Society 'Arti et Amicitiae', NL
+ (2004-) member of programming board at Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, NL


The winter of 2005 / 2006 was a very special time for me. For artistic and personal reasons the invitation by the Kunstverein Medienturm / Quartier21 couldn't have been better timed.

The residency was in the context of a final presentation of newly developed video-based work in the Ovalhalle at the end of January. When I accepted this, I already had decided I would do something completely new, and not present an adaptation of previous work.

Having set these targets, the time spent in Vienna was an exciting, deadline-clipped time, full of developments and adventures. The new roots of work I developed there have become an important line in my body of work today.

Vienna already had spacial status for me, as I had been in the city previously for a large group exhibition "Abstraction Now" held at the Kuenstlerhaus in 2003. This important exhibition had set the deepening contacts between me and various media-artists and curators of Austria.

for me it was special to spend two months in the city which had produced so much influential Internet- and media-artists. The contacts have resulted in an ongoing exchange of artists and projects between the Netherlands and Austria.

The project I focused on, was based on the strongly present classicist ornaments in Vienna. I chose to review the subject of ornamentalism in context of art-history as well as personal ideas, resulting in a new media based installation re staging the subject. The text I wrote on the subject, 'The Silent Ornamental Revolution', can be found on my website

I have no points of critic whatsoever on the residency itself. The location within the Museum Quartier is absolutely unique. Within ten minutes of arrival at midnight I was drinking a beer with two fellow residencees and a curator from one of the many initiatives in the complex.

The next day I had met all the other artists, and up to today the contacts are still very special. It is an inspiring conglomeration of museums, art initiatives, etc. which you yourself slowly become a part of during the weeks of stay. That, definitely, is the most powerful aspect of the residency.

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