Guided tour by the curators: Hollein Calling. Architectural Dialogues

Guided tour by the curators: Hollein Calling. Architectural Dialogues

The exhibition "Hollein Calling. Architectural Dialogues" explores the Hollein phenomenon from today's perspective. A dialogue with the positions of a younger generation of architects launches a reappraisal that brings Hollein's work back into the current discourse.

date: 09.01.2024 to 30.01.2024



Why is the world in crisis when everyone seemingly only wants the best? We are living in the best of all possible worlds. This is what the young Candide is taught by his teacher Pangloss. And even though Candide experiences war, plagues and natural disasters, even though his home is destroyed, his beloved Cunegonde is raped and he himself escapes death by the skin of his teeth on several occasions, he remains an incorrigible optimist as he travels boldly through the Old World and the New World.

date: 07.01.2024 to 03.02.2024

LEO Kinderatelier: MOPP und seine Hobbies

LEO Kinderatelier: MOPP und seine Hobbies

What are your hobbies, what are your passions? Have you ever painted an oval picture? Today is the day: Inspired by the works of Max Oppenheimer, who also called himself MOPP, and his passion for chess, music and sport, we are also trying to pack our hobby into an oval.

date: 06.01.2024 to 28.01.2024

Tour: Let's talk boobs

Tour: Let's talk boobs

Every first and third Thursday of the month at 17.30h you can discover the exhibition Darker, Lighter, Puffy, Flat together with our art educators and discuss the context and background of the exhibited works.

date: 04.01.2024 to 07.03.2024

Vienna 1900 / Birth of Modernism

Vienna 1900 / Birth of Modernism

With its newly conceived presentation of the collection, the Leopold Museum is creating an opulent tableau which affords uniquely rich and complex insights into the fascination of Vienna around 1900 and the atmosphere of this vibrant time.

date: 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2025

Hot Questions – Cold Storage

Hot Questions – Cold Storage

The new Permanent Exhibition at the Architekturzentrum Wien: Going against the current trend for increasing economic constraints on their collections, the new Permanent Exhibition of the Az W sets standards in the production and sharing of knowledge.

date: 03.02.2022 to 29.10.2024